At the office of Serenity Dental, the care and comfort of our patients are our top priorities. Our goal is to help our patients enjoy optimal oral health and to keep them well informed every step of the way.
1. Until the anesthesia wears off
Immediately following your dental visit, you may experience a period of lingering numbness. Normal sensation typically returns within an hour or two. However, until the anesthetic has completely worn off, it’s essential to protect yourself from unintentionally biting or injuring your lips, cheeks, gums, or tongue. Be mindful of chewing, drinking hot beverages, or smoking.
2. Post-procedure discomfort
A root canal procedure will alleviate the pain of a toothache. However, you may still experience some mild to moderate discomfort in the immediate aftermath when the anesthesia wears off. These feelings should subside within days. To help prevent any undue pressure, which may cause pain, the biting surface of the involved may be slightly filed and taken out of occlusion. Our office will also recommend appropriate over-the-counter pain medications and provide a prescription if indicated.
3. Take antibiotics as prescribed
If you have been given a prescription for antibiotics to treat or prevent an infection, it’s essential to take complete the course of medications as prescribed.
4. Be mindful of the involved tooth
Even with a temporary filling, a tooth with a root canal remains vulnerable to stress and can fracture until a permanent crown or suitable permanent restoration is placed. In the interim, be mindful of the involved tooth. Try to chew on the opposite side of the mouth and avoid hard and sticky foods.
5. Continue to brush and floss
While you need to be mindful of a tooth that has received root canal therapy, it’s essential to continue to brush and floss. By maintaining proper oral hygiene, you’re preventing further problems as well as supporting healing and optimal oral health.
6. Get the tooth restored in a timely fashion
To rebuild the strength and integrity of a tooth that has received a root canal therapy, it needs to be restored with a permanent crown or suitable restoration. Until that time, the remaining tooth structure is weak and vulnerable to fracture. The sooner a permanent restoration is placed, the sooner you can bite and chew with confidence and ease.
We’re dedicated to providing the highest quality of care. If you have any additional questions, symptoms, or concerns following your root canal procedure, contact our office.